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ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes (ASEAN CIS)


​The ASEAN CIS Framework is one of the initiatives undertaken by the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) that allows the units of an ASEAN CIS authorized in its Home Jurisdiction to be offered in other Host Jurisdictions under a streamlined authorization process. Participating fund managers in signatory jurisdictions using this framework will have to abide by the “Standards on Qualifying CIS", a set of common requirements designed to ensure that the participating fund managers have the necessary experience and track record in managing retail funds, and funds offered under the framework are regulated and managed based on industry best practices.

Regulatory Summary

​​​Standard of Qualifying CIS

Standards of Qualifying CIS consist of two parts. The first part prescribes the Qualifications of the CIS Operator, Trustee/Fund Supervisor, and requirements relating to Approval, Valuation, and Operational Matter. The second part prescribes the Product Restrictions of Qualifying CIS. To view:

Part I : Qualifications of the CIS Operator, Trustee/Fund Supervisor, and requirements relating to Approval, Valuation, and Operational Matters click here.

Part II :  Product Restrictions of Qualifying CIS click here​.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A CIS ​​Operator must submit a completed Form 35 – NRI CIS in hard copies accompanied by all supporting documentation as specified in Form 35 – NRI CIS to the SEC Thailand for the ASEAN NRI CIS.

2. ASEAN CIS (for public offerings)

​​​​A Qualifying CIS Operator must submit a completed Form 35 - retail ASEAN CIS in hard copies accompanied by all supporting documentation as specified in Form 35 - retail ASEAN CIS to the SEC Thailand for the ASEAN CIS application to be approved for public offerings in Thailand. 

Re​​mark : Form 69 – CIS full forms an integral part of Form 35 – NRI CIS and Form 35 - retail ASEAN CIS. CIS Operator is required to complete Form 69 – CIS full and submit it as part of the required documents for an approval of ASEAN CIS.​

Fact sheet of ASEAN CIS to be disclosed to investors in Thailan​d shall be prepared in accordance with the format and contents provided herein


On-going​ requirements of CIS Operator​

The followings are on-going requirements for CIS Operator who makes offerings of either ASEAN NRI CIS (for non-retail investors only) or ASEAN CIS (for public offerings) in Thailand:​

The CIS Operator is required to submit a hard copy of a completed Form 69 – CIS annually update to the SEC Thailand within 1 year after the effective date of the previously submitted registration statement, either Form 69 – CIS full or Form 69 – CIS annually update, as the case may be.

In the case where there is a material change to the information specified in the effective registration statement and such change has been notified and approved by Home Regulator, the CIS Operator is required to submit a hard copy of a completed Form 69 – CIS material update to the SEC Thailand within 10 days after Home Regulator approved such material change (excluding weekends/ public holidays in Home Jurisdiction).

In addition, the CIS Operator is required to prepare sal​es report​ for the sale of units of ASEAN NRI CIS or ASEAN CIS offered in Thailand (as the case may be). This report shall be lodged with the SEC Thailand within 45 days after the last official day of the year that such solicitations occurred.​​​

Related Manuals/ Guidelines

Related Rules and Regulations​




Related Forms​


List of approved ASEAN CIS

  • List of Retail ASEAN Collective Investment Schemes for General Public

    • ​​​​Outbound​​

    Name o​f CIS​Name of CIS OperatorDate of CIS Approval​
    ONE STOXX ASEAN  SELECT DIVIDEND INDEX FUNDONE Asset Management LimitedJune 11, 2015​




    โทรศัพท์ 02-263-6246