In the current context, the Thai capital market confronts volatility due to internal and external factors. The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC") is committed to bolstering the efficiency of the Thai capital market system. The objective is to enable the business sector and market operators in the capital market to grow and expand their operations, while investors are empowered to achieve financial well-being.
To deliver this objective, the SEC is compelled to adapt and refine its strategy and operations to effectively address the challenges and issues that have arisen, particularly those influencing stakeholders' trust and confidence towards the Thai capital market. As well, the SEC is dedicated to striking a balance between market regulation and development to ensure that investors are appropriately protected, while the business sector and market operators achieve competitiveness through development of various investment products and services.
In this regard, the SEC has formulated the SEC Strategic Plan for 2024 – 2026 to set the direction for the supervision and development of the Thai capital market in order to enhance confidence and sustainability within the nation. The formulation of this strategic plan involved consideration of all important dimensions as follows:-
Challenges and key trends impacting capital markets (Megatrends)
Key priorities from strategic plans of capital market regulators in various countries
Alignment with the National Strategic Plan and the 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2023 – 2027), including Government Policies and the 4th Thai Capital Market Development Plan (2022 – 2027)
Current status and future outlook of the Thai Capital Market
Direction from the SEC Board emphasizing the paramount importance on cultivating trust and confidence in the capital market and the SEC. This priority should be pursued concurrently with the developmental role of the SEC to enhance the efficiency of the Thai capital market and address the nation's needs.
The SEC Strategic Plan is composed of 4 key results, with organizational development plan
as a key enabler:-